English Summary

Transitioning for success

Transitioning for success focuses on how health-promoting processes can be used as a driving force for the transition to sustainable societal development. The health promotion approach facilitates leadership, collaboration and participation in the implementation of Agenda 2030, supports the integration of social, ecological and economic goals and promotes action competence in organizations and individuals.

Knowledge of health-promoting processes and their significance for societal development needs to be used more often in decision-making and community planning. It is also important to move away from an excessive focus on individual health behaviors and replace it with a broad understanding of the importance of creating societal conditions for good and equal health in the entire population.

Seven landmarks for Health and Sustainable Development

To make the sustainability issues accessible from a health-promoting perspective in all sectors of society and at all levels, the Seven Landmarks for Health and Sustainable Development model (the Landmark Model) has been developed. It summarizes large parts of the research and knowledge that talk about where health and well-being originate and where the sustainable society begins.

The landmark model describes seven basic considerations that are easy to recognize and signals basic processes that promote human health and well-being as well as the sustainability of society. The seven landmarks facilitate orientation and provide a direction in the work for a sustainable society from a human perspective.